Wednesday, July 29, 2009

7 Ways to Transform Your Life in 7 Days

Download Now

Hello!Download Fabulous Glamorous Sexy You Now! - Stone Gye

How many times have you made a New Years Resolution for your health and not maintained it? How many times have you

ever made any type of commitment and not honoured it? People are constantly taking short-cuts with their word which results in a lack of power and purposeful-living. This e-book opens the power within you to never accept mediocrity again.

For many years, my clients and workshop participants have asked for a no-nonsense, practical book they could take home to share with their family and friends. The Stone Fitness – Code for Living® programs are a foundation for illuminating andexercising tools you already have in your life for success and well being through health. People I have worked with areconstantly sharing how the things revealed through Stone Fitness – Code for Living® programs would have previously never been a thought available in their life.

Our world becomes smaller as we learn to leverage techn
ology in productive ways. I have writtenDownload Fabulous Glamorous Sexy You Now! - Stone Gye Fabulous Glamorous Sexy YOU Now – 7 Ways to Transform You Life in 7 Days as a means for anyone to get an introduction to the fitness training methods delivered by Stone Fitness – Code for Living® workshops. It is a fantastic opportunity to have a candid look into yourself to identify what is truly driving you so that you can choose the results you really want for your life. This is especially true for your health. If you have ever blamed an external circumstance on why you could not BE or DO what you want, this e-book is for you. The time for excuses has past. Access your victories through this e-book.

The media is seemingly saturated with sensationalist stories about how unhealthy humans and our planet is becoming. There is both truth and entertainment to their claims. In less than 45 pages, you will accomplish the following by taking on the content in the e-book:

  1. Get on and stay on the path of optimal fitness for your life.

  2. Inspire others to have a powerful quality of life through fitness.

  3. Accomplish any result you desire for your life in any of the seven categories of life.

  4. Create new and exciting possibilities in your life never before considered possible.

  5. You will go from being sensible to completely radical in your expectations of greatness for yourself and others.

  6. Have fun, fun, and more fun!Download Fabulous Glamorous Sexy You Now!

This is a scientific approach for success in your health. The strategies are presented in a candid, facts-only style. It may at times appear or sound cold, uncaring or insensitive. If youfind yourself having this perspective, understand you may have uncovered something in your experiences, which can facilitate a breakthrough in your life. I will be speaking to the real you – not the voice in your head. If you just asked, what voice, we have some great opportunities ahead.

Here are a few other benefits you will develop through the content of this book:

Sustained vigour, phenomenal sex, a supercharged immune system, increased income, happiness, age “reversal”, anti-depressive, enhanced emotional intelligence, travel, healthy relationships, effective sleep cycles, authenticity, confidence, self awareness, and joy!

What are you waiting for? The best way to start having the results in your life you want is to download now!Follow Stone on Twitter

Monday, July 13, 2009

Who is responsible for Australia being obese?

What is going on with Australia's children?

I've just returned to the office from doing a birthday fitness boot camp for about 18 children, ages 9 - 12. It was shocking to see how unfit they were. We did a Stone Gye series of movements which anyone should have been able to complete, especially for their ages. After doing less than a 600 metre run up a hill, most of them were close to vomiting and refusing to run another step. They were not happy.

They weren't made to carry logs on the beach and then swim 2km in the open ocean. After the session, all the kids went for a meal of hotdogs, chips, soft drinks and cake. Perhaps you are shocked by this; perhaps not. Maybe you do not care. If this does not affect you, do not worry - I am not sharing this story with you. My audience is with those who wish to do more than just talk about it. The mums that provided the meals were not bad mums. On the contrary, it is just that people become numb to mediocrity. If they had thought, "I am not interested in putting poison and other cancer causing toxins into my child's body," it is certain it would not have been provided.

When we love ourself and certainly others, providing what is the best is natural. As a society, we must wake up! We can not blame it on the food producers because they only produce what the public buys. Nothing is going to change until YOU make this personal. When you decide YOU are going to do something to transform your life and the lives of the people who matter the most to you. We are all connected.

It was all quite simple. This situation is not isolated. In just about every school I've been invited to conduct promotional health days for, there is the challenge of children not being able to perform basic movements. It is a testament to our society as a whole not seeing the significance or impact of our health to economic prosperity and over all quality of lfie. It is common to see overweight and obese children now. When I was school-aged, there were only a few fat kids. We made fun of them and kept on playing. Now, it seems expected to be overweight. We can talk about the children and how horrilble it is for them, however, we are culpable. I am culpable for not inspiring and engaging people in the option of being their fullest possibility. Your possibility does not come from blaming others or acting like a victim. There are no victims in this life. You are always at cause for every result you have in your life. Even if you have experienced, rape, war - whatever. It's the past; let us grasp hold of the magnificence of now and the opportunity of the future.

Does anyone have an idea of the social and economic impact of maintaining preventable unhealthy lifestyle practices? Think about it.

Would anyone care to partner with me to further discussion that would lead to actions being taken to resolve this?

Fat KidsIt does not appear to be the kind of thing we should wait for the 'government' or 'someone else' to resolve. When thinking about a solution to the challenges of health, start with yourself. Are you doing everything you can to create optimum health for your life and those around you? Do you have a fitness and nutrition plan? There are many things for which we can get excited about; there are many causes to take up. Your health affects you and everyone around you. You you want to pay for cancer treatments for someone who has smoked all their life? You are already doing it. Do you want to pay for gastro bypass surgery and lap bands for people who could just as easily choose to be healthy? They did become overweight over night - guess what? You do pay for their surgeries!

If you do not have a fitness plan, why not start by signing up for my free fitness boot camp at You will receive a series of fitness programs over 12 days to get you started with your fitness program. When you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me at any time. I am happy to offer suggestions.

Obese childrenWhen I was in the bank today, a woman commented to me, We will all get old someday. Her comment was in reference to another patron who was using a walker and could barely stand. She took it as normal that once someone gets old, their body should break down and be useless. I shared with her, "If you want that for you, that is fine. That will never be my reality." she asked me what I had more than anyone else, to which I replied, choice. We can all choose to have a perfect quality of life. There is no reason why someone in their 70's can not run a marathon, have raging hot, passionate sex and still look delicious. You can change your idea of what being old is. You can change your idea of what quality of life is about. Why did the Rudd governement create the Preventative Health Task Force? Think about it.

Yours in health,

Stone Gye

Follow Stone Fitness on Twitter

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Losing Weight is for Losers

Yes, I said it.
Stone GyeEveryone is always talking about losing weight, losing weight, losing weight. If the thoughts we have create our reality, no one is ever going to lose weight by thinking, or even worst, saying, I want to lose weight. You think you are saying, I want to lower my body fat percentage. However, what is happening on an energetic level is, Weight, Weight, Weight – all with a lot of supercharged emotion.

I digress. During an intake interview or assessment, I always query my prospective client as to what their goal is. Nine times out of ten they say, I want to lose weight.

My financial planner has advised me to collect five cents every time someone says that so that my children’s tertiary education will be paid for.

Here is a news flash.
You have heard it once before and I will not be the last to say it: Fitness and Health come from within. What ever the ailment, no matter the challenge, all cures, solutions, blessings and abundance come from within. If you refuse to accept that, I would ask what is the state of your current health? Your beliefs have been taught to you. The ones that do not serve you can be untaught. Your truth is what you decide it to be so choose something fabulous!

Think of all the things we accept in life.
For instance, if you come in contact with fire, you will burn. How is fire walking explained? If you contract HIV/AIDS, you will die. What about all the cases of people who have been cured? Miracles or things that are impossible happen everyday. All that has to happen for a miracle is for one person to accept something that is outside of the agreement of the masses. You can choose something wonderful and exciting for your life every moment of the day!

Choose the abundance you want for your life.
You understand the path we are taking. If you want to reduce the amount of body fat you are carrying, start thinking and focusing on how much you really want to be healthy. Write down the answer to these questions:
  1. The path I want to maintain with my health is?
  2. To be healthy looks like __________________
  3. To be healthy sounds like __________________
  4. To be healthy feels like __________________
  5. Three months before arriving at the path I’ve set for myself, I will be doing _____________. This is significant because I was not able to do this prior to arriving at this milestone.
Reward yourself often with praise.
You are worth having the best life has to offer you. So many times people berate themselves out loud. How many times have you called yourself stupid or dumb or slow? There is nothing further from the truth. Can you see anything in nature that fits that description? Everything is created to fit perfectly together with everything and everyone else. If you can think it, feel it. You will find it to be true for you.

Let’s set the record straight.
Your body will never arrive at your fitness/health outcome before your mind. Think, feel and know that what you desire is yours. BE your outcome. You do not have to wait until you are a certain weight to be happy, fulfilled or confident. You can BE happy, fulfilled and confident right NOW. Because of the way you are Being, it will cause you to BEhave or act in a certain way. It will cause what you DO. What you DO, leads to what you HAVE. Most people try the other way around, i.e., if I could have this, then I could do this and then I could be this. Does that sound familiar?

As part of how you are being, try my free fitness boot camp located at It will walk you through all the movements you may want to try on a daily basis to get to the health outcome you are looking for yourself. How you decide to be will create all the results and outcomes in your life. This has always been the case regardless of your accepting this line of thought or not.

Try it on. If your health and fitness are really that important to you, it starts at home. Invite your family and friends to try my free fitness boot camp with you. It is relevant regardless of your fitness ability. It is designed to challenge those who have never been engaged in a fitness program as well as those who are seasoned athletes.

If your situation really is outside the scope of being able to move, feel free to contact me directly. Together we can bring the solution out of you.

Yours in health,

Monday, July 06, 2009

How to Stay Fit & Healthy in a Downturn

Greetings and Goodness to all,

Anyone who knows me realises that I would never write on such an absurd topic, however, I have been noticing people paying more attention to this phenomenon. So, just as the title shares, I am going to share a few strategies on how to keep improving the performance of your body, keep your financial strength impervious and your love life strong through these "uncertain times."

After arriving home late last night, I settled in to prepare for the next day. Then I did something I never do and that decision has now been reinforced. I turned on the television. To my "surprise" every single station was talking about the "recession" we are in and how the Australian government now has the largest debt in all it's history, etc, etc, Really? Is that so? Just for the sake of being dramatic, I would like to repeat that every station I turned to was talking about the doom and gloom of our financial crisis. I am not sure about you, but that isn't my reality. Don't get me wrong, if someone tells me my house is on fire and the flames are about to consume me, of course, I am getting out of there, but to what end is it to scare the public into believing everything is awful and perilous? Do you choose to accept what others say as being true for your life?

Top 5 Reasons we can Choose a Healthy Lifestyle and Financial Future

  1. My health and finances have nothing to do with the economy.
    It has everything to do with my choices and how I think. If I am fit, that is my choice - If I am obese, that is my choice. As long as there are people in this capitalistic paradigm, we will continue to have to trade for goods and services and there are always opportunities. Law of Polarity
  2. I love everything about myself.
    Those of you with children understand that nothing in this world would ever prevent you from loving your children, giving the best possible care or protecting them from harm. It isn't any different when I look in the mirror; If a billion people say, it's a crap day today - admittedly, that is not how it is in my world. My world is perfect and beautiful, full of wonder and opportunity. Try that on for size - see if it fits you. Law of Perpetual Transmutation
  3. Love is what I am and did you know, love is infectious ;-)
    Being the possibility of love is something anyone can do. In my opinion is what we can all do to make our tenure on the planet more valuable. Love is power and creative. We are creative beings. Love will be here when everything else is gone. It is timeless. Did you know we are all connected this way? If love is creative, I can create anything for myself and for those around me. A recession will not be a part of that creation. Law of Cause and Effect
  4. What I put in is what I get out.
    I choose the best possible future of growth and love for myself and those around me. How many of us are interested of serving a great big pile of crap to our family at dinner time? So why would we serve anything other than loving possibilities to our mind or share things with others that are not uplifting? There is a frequency, cost and reward for all thoughts. Law of Gender
  5. Nothing has meaning
    For any event or situation there is no meaning to it. There is only the meaning I ascribe to it and I can ascribe any meaning I want to anything. Therefore, I chose love. You can too! Law of Relativity

So, if you are unfit, if you are overweight, if you do not fit into the clothes you had 10 years ago, if you have several health issues, did you know it is your choice? For what ever reason, the madness of excuses you recycle in your head are serving you and manifesting for the entire world to see! Make a choice to love yourself. It cost nothing to go for a walk or run. It cost nothing to do some push-ups, crunches, pull-ups and dips. It cost nothing to run up stairs and do lunges. If you are a "fat-body" how is that working for you? How are the jiggly-bits helping you?

As you all know, I've been in the fitness industry now going on 18 years. My formula for health is the same as it has always been. Help my clients with the way they think and feel about themselves and the rest will follow. In the US Marines, the standard of excellence for basic combat readiness was is follows:

  1. 5km run in under 30 minutes
  2. 100 push ups
  3. 100 sit ups
  4. 25 pull ups

Yes folks that is all! How simple is that?! That was the test every 6 months. Some of you are laughing at how easy this is and that you do this everyday. That's great! Encourage those around you to do the same thing. It is necessary to have complete health with the body, spirit and mind. Some of you couldn't even do a fraction of these movements. That's OK. You now have a outcome to go toward. Take each one of these in sections. Divide them up into workable chunks until you can do it all --- YOU CAN DO IT.

I encourage you all to have the most fantastic, wonderful and fulfilling day today. Right now is your most powerful moment - do something inspirational, do something loving. Share with someone next to you the possibilities of greatness.


Take a look at a free fitness boot camp. It will provide you with fitness programing every day for 12 days. You do it on your own time with your friends and family. If you do not have friends and family ;-), it is perfectly OK to do it by yourself -

Love, Peace, & Soul

-- Stone Gye,
Follow Stone on Twitter

Exercise Revitalizes Sex Life

By Penny Forrester

December 04, 2008

Exercise is not only a well-documented means of maintaining muscle, metabolic rate and fat loss, recent studies propose that it can also revitalize your sex life. Exercise can improve sex life

Sexual function is affected by general health, and the more you can improve your health by taking good care of yourself, the better your sex life can be.

Doctors at the New England Research Institute found that regular, vigorous exercise can be effective at lowering impotence risk. The researchers studied more than 600 middle-aged men who hadn't reported any problems with impotence. Vigorous exercise -- the equivalent of walking two miles or burning 200 extra calories a day -- was most effective.

On the opposite coast, a University of California, San Diego study of 78 healthy but sedentary middle-aged men documented changes when the men were assigned to exercise three to four times a week for one-hour sessions. Overall, the former couch potatoes reported more reliable sexual functioning, more frequent sexual activity and orgasms, and greater satisfaction.

Yet another study, conducted at the Harvard School of Public health, revealed that men who exercised vigorously for 20 to 30 minutes were about half as likely to have erection problems as inactive men. The scientists in this study also discovered that as a man gains weight, he becomes more susceptible to experiencing erectile dysfunction (E. D).

Doctors believe that exercise has the effect it does on increasing sexual potency because it strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves circulation. Good circulation is important for sexual function. Other things that hamper circulation include obesity, smoking or heavy alcohol use. However losing weight and quitting smoking or drinking didn't improve sexual function the way exercise did.

Source: Belleville Intelligencer - Ontario, CA

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Sign Up for your Fitness Boot Camp Now

Get your team fit & healthy for Life with our Fitness Boot Camp


This class is a system for lifestyle change. Participants will be provided with optional academic and physiological homework. Grades are earned based upon participation, performance and measured change. In every instance where recommendations have been followed, participants have more than exceeded the goals they set for themselves.

Time-poor participants work directly with the trainer to implement coping strategies. Experience how when health is put first all other areas of life automatically align to be successful. A FREE COPY of Rhondalynn Korolak’s book, ‘On the Shoulders of Giants: 33 Steps to Greatness’ is given to all participants on full payment of the course up-front. Additionally, please download a free copy of The Master Key Sytem.

Boot Camps run in six-week blocks because that’s how long it takes to break bad habits not serving you & create long-term, easily sustained healthy lifestyle habits instead. By fully participating in the course you should expect powerful holistic benefits such as:

  • High (efficient & rapid) fitness results

  • Noticeably more energyBook your Fitness Boot Camp NOW!

  • Networking & making friends

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Increase/ develop mental & physical Discipline and hardness

  • Increased libido (sex drive)

  • Readiness preparation for any occupation or Competition

  • Raise fitness level and Quality of life

  • Higher self-confidence (looking & feeling terrific, inside AND out)

  • Quantified Results & Goals

  • Noticeably more vigour & vitality in everyday life (commonly known as 'a spring in your step')

  • Increased self-awareness & the ability to be calm, assertive & so much more effective

  • Nutritional Guidance

  • Holistic Fitness and Health Motivation

  • ...the achievement of every course goal set...and probably the accomplishment of MANY more you can't even imagine yet! (at work AND in play)
Groups of 25+ can be booked online today! Or contact Stone Fitness now for information on our corporate and team fitness boot camps of more than 25 participants.


  • MELBOURNE, VIC: Albert Park, Bottanical Gardens, Flagstaff Gardens
  • SYDNEY, NSW: The Domain, Centennial Park
  • MIAMI, QLD: Miami Park (meet at the corner of Hythe Street & Marine PDE)

It’s all about you! ... Results Guaranteed by YOU.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What is Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index

What is Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a gauge of standard weight and height ratios. Research studies in large groups of people have shown that the BMI can be classified into ranges associated with health risk. There are four categories of BMI ranges.

  • Underweight (BMI less than 18.5);

  • Standardweight (BMIs 18.5 to 24.9);

  • Overweight (BMIs 25 to 29.9), and

  • Obese (BMI 30 and over).

BMI Formula

BMI (kg/m²) = weight in kilograms / height in meters²

Low or High BMI Associations

Most adults with a high BMI (overweight or obese) have a high percentage of body fat. Extra body fat is associated with increased risk of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease and various forms of cancer. This is a preventable condition.

A low BMI (underweight) is associated with health problems such as osteoporosis, undernutrition and eating disorders.

The risk of developing weight-related health problems increases the more one's BMI falls outside the normal weight category. It is important to note that sudden or considerable weight gains or weight losses may also indicate health risk, even if this occurs within the normal weight BMI category.

BMI Classification Limitations

The classification system may underestimate or overestimate health risks in certain adults, such as, highly muscular adults, adults who naturally have a very lean body build, young adults who have not reached full growth, and adults over 65 years of age.

Very muscular adults, such as athletes, may have a low percentage of body fat but a large amount of muscle tissue. This can result in a BMI in the overweight range which may over estimate the risk of developing health problems.

For people who naturally have a very lean body build or for young adults who have not attained their full growth, a BMI just below the 'normal weight' range may not indicate an increased health risk.

For adults over age 65, more research is needed to determine if the cut-off points for the 'normal weight' range differ in any way from those for younger adults.

It is also important to note that BMI is only one part of a health risk assessment. To further clarify risk, other factors shoud be considered.